Stay Awake & Look Great
8 Cosmetic Procedures & Treatments That Don't (Always) Require You To "Go Under"
When thinking about plastic surgery, some patients become anxious about general anesthesia. That is ok! There’s a whole host of surgical options that use only local anesthesia, which can help you reach your goals without going under completely. We even offer a number of non-surgical solutions that skip the sedation conversation altogether!
Today, we’re looking at eight surprising cosmetic surgery procedures and aesthetic treatment options we perform that do not involve going under general anesthesia.
But First: Local Anesthesia vs. General Anesthesia
Local anesthesia involves numbing a specific area of the body before a procedure. It is an effective countermeasure for any pain or discomfort, and is usually performed by injection. The use of a local anesthetic means you will be completely awake and comfortable during your procedure.
General anesthesia involves the use of medication that puts the patient in a temporarily unconscious state — or “going under” — before their operation. It is usually administered intravenously in an operating room and ensures you will be comfortably asleep.
There are benefits to both kinds of anesthesia, but it’s best left up to your surgeon to decide which one is right for your procedure — your surgical team will discuss the options with you to help you figure out your best path forward.

Labiaplasty: Improve Appearance & The Sexual Experience
Sexual rejuvenation has become increasingly popular in recent years — and for good reason! The technology and techniques behind these procedures have drastically improved, giving our patients incredible outcomes with a breezy experience. Labiaplasty is one such minimally invasive procedure that can enhance the function and appearance of the female genitals without the need to go under.
In fact, labiaplasty is only one in the collection of sexual wellness procedures we perform that don’t require going under! With the combined powers of the O-Shot and diVa laser, your most intimate areas can feel completely restored in one quick trip.
More About In-Office Labiaplasty
Liquid Rhinoplasty: Using Filler Injections To Enhance Nose Appearance

Liposuction: Effectively Remove Fat From Problematic Areas
Now, we want to preface this one by saying that receiving liposuction awake isn’t a solution for everyone. However, if a candidate has a small area of fat they’re looking to address, some liposuction procedures can be performed under local anesthesia. This also means they could forgo the fasting period required for general anesthesia and have their procedure with only the necessary numbing.
Get Great Fat Reduction Results Without Surgery
If a patient has a smaller amount of fat they want to remove and are anxious about anesthesia, we often point them to non-surgical, in-office treatments. The first is Kybella, a fat-dissolving injection that can help spot-treat & reduce fat under the chin and in the armpit areas. Another incredible option is CoolSculpting — a revolutionary “fat freezing” technique targeting the abdomen, flanks, thighs, upper arms, back, “bra bulge” areas, beneath the buttocks and even under the chin.
Nipple Reduction & Inverted Nipple Repair
It isn’t just about appearance when it comes to nipple procedures. While some patients may be embarrassed about the size, shape or position of their nipples, these anomalies can also cause chronic chafing and other forms of unnecessary pain. We offer two different, general anesthesia-free options — inverted nipple surgery and nipple reduction — to help patients get the look they’ve always wanted and minimize daily discomfort.
Gynecomastia Surgery: Feel More Confident In Fitted Shirts
Defined by excess glandular tissue in the male breast, gynecomastia can be quite uncomfortable for the men who suffer from it. Puffy nipples can hide all the hard work a person has put in the gym, and even prevent him from taking off his shirt at the beach. Gynecomastia surgery is a straightforward procedure that removes this extra tissue and leaves you with a flat chest. The downtime for gynecomastia surgery is short and it often only requires local anesthesia to achieve great results.
Blepharoplasty: Real Results Realized With An Upper Eyelid Lift
As we get older, the skin around our eyes ages with us. But as we like to say: getting older is a good thing! We want to help our patients see it that way.
Our surgical experts offer an upper eyelid lift designed to remove the excess skin that causes that “tired” look, resulting in a more refreshed and youthful appearance. In some circumstances, blepharoplasty can actually improve eyesight, as well.

We Want You To Feel Confident Before Making Your Decision
Your comfort is paramount to our team. If you don’t feel 100% confident about your procedure, we cannot expect you to feel 100% confident with your results!
Remember: it’s perfectly OK to be nervous. We can walk you through each step of the process to help bolster your understanding of any option you’re considering. We will work with you directly to create a non-surgical path forward that can help you reach your confidence goals. We invite you to get in touch with us with questions about any of the procedures listed here and our safe anesthesia practices.

About The Author
With more than 20 years of experience as a board-certified plastic surgeon, Jeffrey Donaldson, MD is a leading expert when it comes to surgical procedures that do not require general anesthesia. He is constantly researching new treatment methods and adopting innovative techniques that best help patients feel comfortable about their procedures and their long-term results.
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