December 2021 - Donaldson Plastic Surgery

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By Adrienne Yanich, RN |

Introducing the Newest Version of the Broadband Light (BBL) Laser 

If your skin’s nemesis is hyperpigmentation, then BBL HERO® is here to save the day! 

BBL HERO is the latest innovation of the Broadband Light laser skin treatment. BBL treatments address pigmentation issues like sun spots, scarring, freckles, and age spots to achieve a clearer and even skin tone. We have a team of dedicated and highly-trained laser specialists ready to help you achieve the skin you have always wanted with this revolutionary technology!

BBL HERO Being Performed By A Professional

What is BBL HERO?

BBL HERO is the most up-to-date version of the popular laser skin treatment. The HERO model is faster, more powerful, and more comfortable for patients compared to the prior BBL system.

Addressing Your Biggest Pigmentation Concerns

BBL HERO targets a number of skin concerns related to pigmentation and discoloration (ie. reds and browns), such as age spots, sunspots, freckles, acne scars, Rosacea, birthmarks and small veins. 

Rapid Hair Removal: Quicker, Less Painful, Perfect for Larger Areas

As the laser works to correct discoloration, it also removes hair from the target areas – which most often include face, neck, chest, arms, legs and back.

What Is Different About The BBL HERO Model vs. Traditional BBL?

HERO stands for High Energy Rapid Output, so this new model is going to save you time while also giving you better results! HERO is also performed in a continuous swipe across the area, so it eliminates the appearance of stamps or stripes which is sometimes possible with prior versions of BBL.

Here are some additional benefits of BBL HERO:

  • 4x faster (this is especially beneficial when treating larger areas)
  • 3x more powerful
  • 2x the cooling (includes CoolComfort technology which makes the treatment much more comfortable for patients)

Will BBL HERO Work For Me?

If you struggle with unwanted pigmentation, then this is for you!

BBL HERO can treat all skin types, but not all skin tones. This treatment is designed to break up pigment in the skin. Unfortunately, this poses a potential risk to individuals with medium to dark skin tones. Candidates for treatment with BBL HERO fall between 1 through 4 on the Fitzpatrick Scale.

BBL HERO Consultation In Donaldson Plastic Surgery Office

How Do I Get Started?

BBL HERO is now Donaldson Plastic Surgery’s go-to BBL skin laser technology! To get started, you will chat with one of our laser specialists – Angie, Paige, Stacie, or Adrienne – to discuss your skin goals. They will ensure you are a good candidate for the HERO model and map out your customized laser treatment plan.

Give our office a call at (614)-442-7610, and one of our team members will help get you set up for your one-on-one consultation with one of our BBL HERO heroes!

Adrienne Yanich RN Author Bio

About The Author

As one of Donaldson Plastic Surgery’s most tenured aesthetic providers, Adrienne Yanich, RN has helped hundreds of patients feel their best through the use of advanced laser therapies, like BBL HALO. She is an active member of the Society of Plastic Surgical Skin Care Specialists and continues to help individuals everywhere better understand all facets of non-surgical treatments, including lasers, fillers and Botox.

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By Jeffrey Donaldson, MD |

Surgical Recovery Timelines and How to Plan

Why You Should Plan Your Surgery Around Recovery - & Why Now Is The Best Time To Start 

Plastic Surgery Recovery Timelines

Plastic surgery is a journey that takes planning, so starting sooner rather than later is a great way to ensure your experience goes smoothly. By embarking now, you can get a head start learning more about your options when it comes to timing, financing, and recovery!

General Recovery Timelines

Specific surgeries will have slight differences in terms of exact recovery time expectations, but all surgeries have periods that are specific to downtime along with their own activity restrictions. Every recovery timeline will also be dependent on you. You may naturally be quicker or slower to heal than others. Our Patient Care Team is trained to understand and assist you no matter your recovery timeline!

Breast Surgery – 3-5 Days of Downtime

At about one week, you will feel almost back to normal, but you must continue to adhere by activity restrictions set by your medical team.

Plastic Surgery Experts During An Operation

Abdominal Surgery – 7-10 Days of Downtime

Similar to breast surgeries, the remainder of the month is spent getting back to feeling normal with established activity restrictions.

Facial Surgery – A Few Days of Downtime

Downtime is coupled with activity restrictions that are specific to the kind of facial surgery. The main consideration is that facial surgeries often come with swelling and bruising for the first week or two. During this time, you may want to stay at home regardless of feeling better.

Arm or Leg Surgery – About One Week of Downtime

Oftentimes, arm and leg surgeries will have more activity restrictions than other kinds of surgeries.

*Note: For the purpose of this article, “downtime” is time designated specifically for resting. This is the time when you would be taking prescribed pain medication. “Activity restrictions” refers to the time spent after downtime. This is when you would feel more able to complete everyday activities.

Asking Plastic Surgery Questions


Should I stay in a recovery center?

Our board-certified plastic surgeons recommend you heal in the comfort of your own home after surgery. Occasionally, they may recommend staying in a hotel or in a surgery recovery center (often if the patient lives far away), but that is rare.

Our team will prepare you to understand your post-operative care instructions and expectations, so you feel comfortable during your recovery period.

What are some tips to make recovery easier and/or quicker?

  • Wear your compression garments as instructed.
  • Eat/drink protein.
  • Stay hydrated.
  • Stock up on stool softener just in case.
  • Rest! You may feel back to normal a week or two after surgery, but your body is still healing internally. You must follow activity restrictions in order for your body to fully recovery in a safe way. Doing too much too soon is the leading cause of increased pain.

Why do some surgeons have different estimated recovery timelines for their patients?

Your recovery experience is directly correlated to what happens in the operating room. In general terms, when a surgeon takes their time and is very meticulous and detail-oriented during the surgery, then recovery can be easier and quicker.

When can I…?

  1. Go back to work?
    1. Stationary work (“desk jobs”): Typically, one week but sometimes two
  2. Physical work:
    1. At least two weeks, and you may have to return with activity restrictions from the surgeon
  3. Play with my kids?
    1. For the first month post-op, lifting, stretching, pulling, pushing, and bending will be restricted. Most recovery timelines include a 15-lb lifting limitation for that full first month as well. Make sure to arrange childcare help if you have young kids during your recovery period, particularly within the first two weeks.
  4. Exercise?
    1. Light exercise is okay after the first two weeks. Make sure to closely follow all activity restriction guidelines. Try to avoid raising your heart rate too much, as this can increase swelling.

Planning Around Work

The timeline for returning to work depends on the kind of surgery and what you do at work. Some recovery times only require a long weekend, whereas some may require several weeks.

How Can I Take Time Off Work For Recovery?

Your plastic surgery clinic can submit documentation to your employer to ask for time off work:

  • Paid time off: PTO can be submitted internally and is a great way to ensure your time is reserved for recovery.
  • FMLA: The Family and Medical Leave Act allows for patients to take unpaid medical leave. Whether this is approved is entirely up to your employer.
  • Disability: This is similar to FMLA and is another option to get unpaid time off work.
  • Work excuses/Doctor’s note: Even after returning to work, you may have work restrictions, particularly if your job involves manual labor. Your plastic surgery clinic can send this documentation to your employer, and they must adhere to these through your approved FMLA or disability.

Now is the Best Time to Begin!

Beginning your surgical process now is the best way to secure your specific timeline. You can book your surgery as far out as you’d like but having your consultation sooner rather than later will ensure that you have options.

To learn more about how our surgical consultation experience looks like, click here.

Ready to Get Started?

We invite you to call (614)-442-7610 to get on Dr. Donaldson’s or Dr. Sieffert’s schedule!

Jeffrey Donaldson, MD Author Bio

About The Author

With more than 20 years of experience in his field, Jeffrey Donaldson, MD is a leading mind when it comes to plastic surgery planning and recovery. He has helped countless patients feel their absolute best with his advanced surgical expertise and he continues to research the best methods to ensure a safer, more comfortable experience.

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By Dr. Michelle Sieffert |
Breast Augmentation for Poland Syndrome

How Plastic Surgery Can Bring Balance To Your Body & Mind

We at Donaldson Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Solutions are here to provide options for all of our patients to feel like the very best versions of themselves. It is a special privilege to have access to the reasons behind why our patients choose to undergo surgery, how it can help them, both aesthetically and psychologically.

Sometimes, plastic surgery offers our patients the gift of resolution. It’s useful in providing a sense of normalcy to patients’ lives, either by restoring it or introducing it for the very first time.

The breast augmentation procedure is incredibly effective in making the chest appear more symmetrical, increasing confidence and positive self-image for patients born with Poland Syndrome – a disorder that affects muscle development on one side of the body. That is why we would like to shed some light on the positive effects this procedure can bring to the lives of those affected by this condition.

What is Poland Syndrome?

Poland Syndrome is the underdevelopment or absence of the pectoral muscle, breast tissue, and/or the nipple on one side of the body. The result is an asymmetrical look where a fully developed breast exists on one side of the body with an underdeveloped, or otherwise missing, breast on the other. This imbalance creates a cosmetic concern for many patients, causing them to seek permanent solutions.

How Can a Breast Augmentation Help?

Breast augmentation for a patient with Poland Syndrome is safe and effective, though the procedure differs somewhat from a regular breast augmentation. In a typical augmentation, the silicone breast implant is placed behind the patient’s pectoral muscle. The underdevelopment of the pectoral muscle due to Poland Syndrome presents a unique challenge for plastic surgeons, but when skillfully done, the final result is indistinguishable from that of a typical augmentation.

The introduction of an implant where there was previously little to no tissue will sometimes mean that the skin must be expanded to accommodate for the increase in volume. If this is the case, there is the possibility of using a tissue expander to stretch the skin so that it may allow room for the breast implant.

Creating Your Perfect Match

The main concern for many looking into this correction is that their breasts will not match. Oftentimes, surgeons use implants of different sizes on each side of the chest in order to make the two breasts symmetrical. This approach requires careful examination by your surgeon, who should take special care in understanding your vision for your breasts and providing your desired result.

In the absence of the nipple, several options exist for ways to create one, such as nipple reconstruction, therapeutic tattooing, or adhesive prosthetics.

Breast Augmentation Surgeons Who Treat Poland Syndrome

We Are Your Breast Augmentation Experts

Just as Poland Syndrome differs from person to person, so do our desires for our own bodies. That’s why we believe there is no one-size-fits-all approach for patients with Poland Syndrome; we are here to help you find whatever solution is best for you.

Whether you are ready to pursue a procedure or are just investigating the paths available to you, a board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Donaldson, who has practical and extensive experience in dealing with Poland Syndrome, will be able to help you explore your options in a safe, pressure-free environment.

Over the course of his career, Dr. Donaldson has treated many patients with Poland Syndrome who trust his expertise and artistry for their breast augmentation. He understands the unique concerns surrounding this condition and has the privilege to bring resolution to patients’ lives.

Schedule Your Breast Augmentation Consultation Today

Though this condition affects only a small percentage of the population, it is important to our practice that those living with Poland Syndrome are aware that there are options available to them to help them regain confidence and love of their bodies. If you have Poland Syndrome and are interested in breast augmentation, please give us a call and set up an appointment to meet with Dr. Donaldson or Dr. Sieffert

While Poland Syndrome may be out of our control, your comfort is not. You deserve balance. You deserve resolution. Most of all, you deserve the opportunity to feel like the very best version of you!

Dr. Michelle Sieffert Author Photo 2

About The Author

Dr. Michelle Sieffert is one of Ohio’s foremost breast augmentation surgery experts. She has helped countless women across the country feel more confident in their own skin through this life-changing procedure. She is constantly researching new applications for cosmetic surgical intervention and adopting the latest techniques to provide an even safer experience for her patients.

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By Jeffrey Donaldson, MD |

The Answers You Need & The Questions You Should Ask Yourself To Determine If Liposuction Is The Right Option For You

While the process isn’t particularly painful, Liposuction is still a fairly intense surgical procedure that requires plenty of research and self-reflection to make a well-informed decision before moving forward. You can likely find a lot of the more “procedural” answers online; a simple YouTube video search will show you exactly what the average surgery looks like.

But that’s not why we’re here! We’re here to focus on you, the person.

Thinking about liposuction

How do you see yourself? What are your unique goals? What have you tried in the past and where has that strategy fallen short? We invite you to do a little introspection with us today and determine if you’re a good candidate for this procedure.

Do You Know What Your Goals Are?

Our job isn’t to point out faults or areas that “need work.” Instead, we work with you to build the right strategy that fits your unique goals. This self-reflection is critical when supplying the answers we need to best help you!

  • Have you already established healthy habits?
  • Are you physically and mentally ready for surgery and the drastic results?
  • How do you want to feel when you’ve completely healed?

Do You Feel Like You Just Can’t Keep Your Motivation High?

When it comes to getting in shape, Liposuction does some of the lifting for you but it can also come with a positive side effect: motivation. We have found that some patients are driven to live a healthier lifestyle after seeing their initial surgical results. If you’re inspired by changes in the mirror, this could be a great option for you – not just to get rid of extra pockets of fat but to stay motivated in the long-term!

CoolSculpting Consultation

Is Non-Invasive A Better Option For You?

Many patients come to us believing they need Liposuction to reach their goals when there are less intense options out there that can get them over the final hurdles without surgery. Liposuction is a great option for individuals who have some volume to lose in a target area. It can help even out any “bulges” that appear and create beautiful body contours.

However, if you’re just struggling to get rid of that final little bit in your abs, flanks, butt (banana roll) or thighs, CoolSculpting could be a stronger solution. This non-surgical procedure involves the freezing and metabolizing of fat cells in the body, resulting in great results for individuals who don’t need too much help in their journey!

Are You Seeing Excess Fat… Or Just Excess Skin?

If you have lost weight in the past or recently gave birth, there’s a chance that what you’re witnessing is actually loose skin. In this case, Liposuction is not an ideal solution. We also have an entire catalog of skin tightening options to discover – from skincare products, to medspa treatments, to surgical procedures!

Do You Have Realistic Expectations About Surgery?

Liposuction is a great long-term solution, but it is heavily reliant on aftercare and forming healthy lifestyle habits. It’s a unique chance to erase years of struggle and discomfort. However, the results will only last as long as the individual allows them to.

It is also important to remember that this procedure is designed to take fat away. This can naturally enhance existing features but it will not build new ones.

Are You Of Age & In Good Health?

For the most part, Liposuction can be performed on anyone regardless of age or size. However, we have found that younger patients tend to have better results due to greater skin elasticity.

We determine that a patient is in “good health” if they have no active infections, untreated cancer or other serious medical conditions. An ideal candidate does not smoke or drink heavily. Our board-certified surgeons will ensure that you don’t have any adverse reactions to anesthesia before proceeding. Liposuction is not considered safe for pregnant women and we typically wait for a patient to complete breastfeeding before opting for this procedure.

Our team will also work with you directly to help determine if you are in an ideal mental state to make your final decision.

Confident woman on treadmill

Do You Want To Feel Confident & More Comfortable In Your Own Skin?

Your comfort, your confidence – that’s why we do it! This decision is about how you feel every step of the way, from the beginning research phase, to the initial consultation, to the surgical experience, to routine follow-ups to make sure you’re satisfied with your results.

At Donaldson Plastic Surgery, we carry this patient-driven approach with us when discussing your goals and when it comes to our before and after photos philosophy. Looking at naked pictures of strangers that don’t look like you isn’t going to give you a strong indication of what your results can be. That’s why, during your private consultation, we will present before and after pictures that look closer to your body type and your desired figure!

Do You Want to Feel Understood, Prepared & Empowered?

If so, we want you to choose Donaldson Plastic Surgery for your Liposuction in Columbus, Ohio! We are uniquely equipped to answer all of your questions and create a clear path forward toward achieving your goals. Our goal is to boost your confidence – not just with our incredible lipo results but also when it comes to helping you make the right choice for your body! 

Jeffrey Donaldson, MD Author Bio 2

About The Author

As a board-certified plastic surgeon, Jeffrey Donaldson, MD has completed a seemingly countless number of successful liposuction procedures in Columbus, Ohio throughout his 20+ year career. He continues to help individual patients decide if this surgical option is the right one for their unique circumstances or if there’s a stronger solution for them to choose.

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By Jeffrey Donaldson, MD |

Our Top 24 Gifts This Year, Organized

Christmas Gifts With Tree

It’s the most wonderful time of the year again! We’ve done our research, analyzed the trends, and polled our providers on the top cosmetic and wellness gifts that they would like to give and receive this holiday season. And they understood the assignment!

This holiday season, whether you’re searching the internet for the perfect gift, or just something to help you look a little more refreshed in your holiday photos — you’ll find everything you need on this list to spread big holiday cheer!

All of the products and treatments you’ll see on this list can be found at Donaldson Plastic Surgery. Give us a call to place your order, or plan a quick trip to the practice to pick it up!

Without further ado, allow us to present: the official 2021 Holiday Gift Guide for beauty lovers, à la the team at Donaldson Plastic Surgery!


Donaldson Plastic Surgery Gift Guide for Beauty Lovers

The Tatjana Holiday Skincare Sets

If you’re looking for gifts with a WOW factor, look no further than our Tatjana Holiday Skincare Sets! These Tatjana-approved, complete sets are perfect for anyone who wants to upgrade their skincare routine. All products are medical-grade, meaning the active ingredients in these kits are far more concentrated than you will find in any store.

Each set is tastefully hand-wrapped for you, complete with a bow and tag, so you don’t need to worry about wrapping!

1. The Essential Tatjana Holiday Skincare Set

  • Gentle Enzyme Cleanser (Holiday Exclusive! Not pictured.)
  • Tatjana Eye Serum
  • Tatjana Ultra-Lite Moisturizer
  • Sheer Mineral SPF 50+
  • Retinol + Bakuchiol Treatment Serum

2. The Deluxe Tatjana Holiday Skincare Set

  • Gentle Enzyme Cleanser (Holiday Exclusive! Not pictured.)
  • Tatjana Glycolic Pads
  • Tatjana Retinol Eye Cream
  • Fortified Moisturizer
  • Tatjana Firming Neck Cream
  • Sheer Mineral SPF 50+
  • Retinol + Bakuchiol Treatment Serum


3. Environ Cosmetic Gold Roll-CIT

The Cosmetic Gold Roll is an elegant instrument that a skincare enthusiast is bound to treasure! Plated with 24k gold, this roller can be used on the face, neck, and chest to help get deeper penetration of your skincare products and enhance the overall look of your skin. Complete with 260 ultra-fine microneedles, this instrument is antibacterial, requires minimal maintenance, and will look gorgeous on the bathroom counter!

4. SkinMedica’s TNS Advanced+ Serum

One timeless treasure for every person in your life is a high-quality skincare product. The TNS Advanced Serum+ is a next-generation, skin rejuvenating formula that improves wrinkles, fine lines, skin tone, and texture. It’s the only growth factor product proven to address sagging skin. Until Dec 6, you can order the TNS Serum and any other SkinMedica product for 20% off through our Brilliant Distinctions site!

5. Gem Water Bottle from VitaJuwel

The VitaJuwel Gem Water Bottle is the ideal water bottle for your meta-physical wellness lovers! According to Senior Medical Aesthetician Tatjana, Gem Water is a well-balanced composition that energizes natural spring water in a unique way. The Wellness Blend is known as the best “everyday water”. The harmonic blend has a smooth and mild taste as the amethyst stimulates and soothes the mind and emotions while the rose quartz fosters tranquility.


6. Nutrafol Hair Growth Supplements

A natural approach to hair thinning that we 100% stand behind! These new supplements are packed with powerhouse nutrients that improve hair growth, quality, strength, and fullness, and strength by addressing the physiological and hormonal causes of hair loss.

7. GrandeLIPS Hydrating Lip Plumper

Want the look of fillers without the injection? This hydrating, high-sheen lip-plumping gloss holds moisture and creates a temporary localized swelling effect to make your lips appear fuller! Available in classic clear and a full range of color options.

8. 6-Day CBD Journey Pack by Pachamama

This guided 6-day journey contains once-a-day doses of high-quality CBD, curated to give you a full week of creativity, focus, relaxation, and detoxification, with a different health benefit each day! Made with completely natural and medicinal ingredients. This product is THC free.


9. DiamondGlow Facial

The DiamondGlow Facial is your excuse to spoil yourself or a loved one this holiday season! The DiamondGlow treatment uses a real diamond tip to gently exfoliate, extract toxins, infuse the skin with rich serums. Available as a single treatment or in a package of 6.

10. AquaGold FineTouch Facial

AquaGold is a rare specialty treatment that uses fine, 24k gold-tipped needles to introduce a POWERFUL elixir of ingredients deep within your pores for a luminous, glassy-looking complexion. Available as a single treatment or in a package of 4.

11. Tatjana Lash Enhancing Serum

Our professional Lash Enhancing Serum is a luxurious alternate to Latisse. The formula includes an active peptide blend that visibly strengthens and lengthens lashes, plus silk amino acids that condition lashes to reduce breakage. It’s 20% off in December!


12. YouthFULL Lip Plumper

Another lip plumper makes the list! We love this one because of the minty, cooling sensation it provides, as well as the thick formula that creates a sealing layer that protects your lips from the harsh outdoor elements. This one is a staff favorite! For anyone with chapped lips this holiday season, or who would like to see bigger lips.

13. Peppermint Essential Oil

The Peppermint Oil from doTERRA is fresh, minty, and one of our best-selling favorites among all of our essential oils. The peppermint provides benefits for healthy respiratory and digestive functions, as well as fresh breath in an instant. Can be used for aromatherapy, in the bath, in your handmade candles, or just on its own!

14. Icy Muscle Gel Roller with CBD

The Icy Muscle Gel’s menthol & herb formula provides cooling relief, combined with the all-natural benefits of CBD. The fitness enthusiasts at Donaldson Plastic Surgery swear by the pain relief felt from this roller! From our friends at Pachamama. This is an ideal gift for anyone who deals with regular aches and pains. THC free.


15. doTERRA Essential Oil Collection

While we’re on the subject of essential oils, we stock the entire line of doTERRA’s best scents. Essential oils make a great gift on their own to bring harmony to the mind and relaxation to the body.

16. CBD + Melatonin Sleep Gummies

CBD + Melatonin + Elderberry = sleeping soundly! Give the gift of a great night’s rest with these Sleep Well Gummies, taken once before bed. Available in 5-count packets and 30-count containers. THC free.

17. Donaldson Aesthetic Gift Card

Do you prefer to give the gift of choice? A gift card to Donaldson Plastic Surgery can be used by the recipient on any aesthetic treatment, medspa service, or product.

Right now, you can get an extra $20 with the purchase of a $100 gift card!


18. Environ Vitamin A, C, & E Body Oil

Are you tired of getting boring old body lotion for the holidays? This year, upgrade your gift-giving to include this lightweight, nourishing body oil rich in vitamins and antioxidants. The A, C, & E Oil is very popular among our patients for the way it leaves skin feeling soft and velvety smooth!

19. Jane Iredale Just Kissed Lip & Cheek Stain

Jane Iredale has arrived at Donaldson Plastic Surgery! We are highlighting the Just Kissed Lip & Cheek Stain because it is very universal, rich in botanicals, and enhances your natural color by adjusting to your skin’s chemistry for the most flattering tone. Forever Pink is our favorite shade!

20. Tatjana Age Defying Hand Cream

The Tatjana Age-Defying Hand Cream offers rich moisturization and deep hydration. It contains hyaluronic acid to rejuvenate compromised skin affected by the cold winter weather and has a non-greasy formula that is sure to make it your new favorite hand cream.


21. The Gentleman’s Facial

Perfect for the gentlemen in your life! This customized facial treatment will leave him feeling refreshed, while vitamins, minerals, and peptides improve his skin’s texture and tone, and lessen irritation associated with shaving. Includes a hand and arm massage!

22. Back Therapy Medspa Treatment

The back is a notoriously hard-to-reach area that is commonly affected by acne and environmental factors. The men in your life will enjoy this relaxing treatment designed to deeply cleanse, exfoliate, and moisturize the back, and any congestion will be cleared away to reveal brighter, smoother skin.

23. Growth Activator Hair Serum

This serum, which we recommend pairing with Nutrafol supplements, is designed to promote cell renewal on the scalp to support healthier hair naturally! Great for anyone with hairline changes, a widening part, or thinning along the temples or the crown.

24. Aesthetic Treatments as Gifts: What to Know

Receiving aesthetic treatments as a gift is on the rise: more than ever, patients are gifting things like Botox and fillers to their loved ones around the holidays! The most popular treatments patients like to gift are Botox, fillers, laser treatments like Halo Laser Resurfacing & BroadBand Light (BBL) Therapy, CoolSculpting, DiamondGlow, microblading for eyebrows, and facials from our Medspa.

If you’re considering giving the gift of aesthetics this year, giving your loved one a one-on-one personal consultation would make an excellent first step! Let your recipient start out by meeting with an aesthetic expert to talk about their different options & address their concerns under the trained aesthetic eye of one of our providers.

Still Searching for the Perfect Gift? Let’s Wrap Your Gift List Up!

If you just can’t decide, the aesthetic providers of Donaldson Plastic Surgery want you to know that we are here for you with any questions you may have! Any cosmetic concern, no matter how big or small, can be addressed here. If you need any help, just give us a jingle or stop by the practice! We’ll be here for you, with bells on.

Above all, remember this: the very best gifts you can give are those of warmth, kindness, confidence, and cheer. Have a great holiday season!

Your Friends at Donaldson Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Solutions

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