Spring Skincare Recommendations | Donaldson Plastic Surgery

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By Nikki Rucinsky |

Spring Skincare Recommendations 

Natural Skin Is In.

Spring Skincare Recommendations 

No-makeup makeup looks. Products to achieve glass-skin. The clean-girl aesthetic. No matter where you look this season, fresh-faced skin is in. While we welcome the arrival of warmer weather, spring also brings fuller schedules and new challenges that affect our wellbeing — most visibly in our skin. With everything you’re already busy with, how can you keep your skin glowing throughout the changing seasons?

Why We Have To Switch Up Our Skincare Routine For Spring

Let’s take a look at the most common skincare issues in spring, and how you can get ahead of symptoms using simple routine adjustments & skincare products.

Pollution & free radicals:

  • The issue: The number of free radicals in the skin increases, causing visible signs of damage to the skin and signs of aging.
  • Why it happens: Springtime coincides with an increase in UV radiation and pollution. As the weather gets warmer, more pollution is present in the atmosphere due to changing weather patterns and an increase in human activity. This is a significant contributor to increasing the number of free radicals in the body. Free radicals destroy your skin’s elastin and cause visible signs of aging.
  • Routine change: Introduce antioxidants into your routine. Antioxidants can neutralize and reduce the number of free radicals in your body. Eating an antioxidant-rich diet or using skincare products with medical-grade antioxidant formulations can keep free radicals in check.

what We recommend:

Product: SkinBetter Science’s Alto Advanced Antioxidant Defense Serum is formulated specifically with Vitamins C and E and 17 additional free-radical fighters to shield the skin from the effects of free radical damage. What makes it the gold standard? It provides comprehensive (environmental and intrinsic) antioxidant defense.


Free Radical
/frē RA·dih·kul/

Free radicals are destructive molecules created in your body by exposure to pollutions and UV that can damage your cells, tissues, and even DNA. Higher levels of free radicals in the body can noticeably damage elastin and collagen, leading to premature aging.


Seasonal allergies:

  • The issue: Seasonal allergies can cause redness, dryness, and irritation that hurts the skin’s barrier, which can even make you ultra-sensitive to your regular skincare.
  • Why it happens: Seasonal allergies pick up in the springtime because of an increased amount of pollen in the air due to dormant plants awakening and blooming. For those with reactive skin, this can lead to chronic inflammation that can hurt the skin barrier, making it even more susceptible to irritation and damage. Allergic reactions can similarly trigger flare-ups and exacerbate any underlying skin issues that might exist, such as dermatitis or rosacea. Also, symptoms such as runny nose and watery eyes can cause you to touch your skin more, which can contribute to causing even more irritation.
  • Routine change: Cleansing and moisturizing are key in the springtime to clear away pollen and irritants and calm the skin. Most people with sensitive skin usually use only a few products that work for their unique skin, so opt for a minimalistic approach. Strip back to just a cleanser, a moisturizer, and an SPF, and look for products specifically formulated for sensitive or allergy-prone skin. Make sure you are also washing your hands and minimizing the number of times you are touching your face.

what We recommend:

Product: We love SkinBetter’s Trio Rebalancing Face Moisture Treatment because it’s gentle and brings balanced hydration back to the skin — when the skin is properly hydrated, it’s more able to defend itself against allergens and external stressors. This product is specifically formulated for skin that is already compromised.



Sweating & oily skin:

  • The issue: Sweating and an increase in the skin’s oil production lead to clogged pores and breakouts.
  • Why it happens: Warmer weather causes your skin’s natural oil production to increase. The warmer it gets, and the more outdoor activities pick up, the more your body will naturally produce sweat. Oils and sweat stay on your skin longer in the springtime due to there being more moisture in the air. The combination of oil, makeup, sweat, and more can lead to an increase in bacteria building up and clogging your pores.
  • Routine change: Removing your makeup, using a gentle cleanser, and transitioning to lightweight products will reduce oiliness and clogged pores, reducing breakouts and allowing other products to penetrate deeper, too.

what We recommend:

Product: SkinBetter’s Cleansing Gel gently removes excess oils & debris without drying out your skin. It’s soothing and is good for daily use, even if you have compromised or sensitive skin.




  • The issue: Dehydration from the various factors related to the seasonal transition can lead to dry, flaky skin.
  • Why it happens: As winter transitions into spring, the air tends to become warmer and drier. Combined with the skin barrier issues in the spring, water is more likely to evaporate. Also, some people may be inclined to skip moisturization altogether, believing that their skin will be oilier due to higher temperatures.
  • Routine change: Replenish your skin’s moisture levels with a lightweight, hydrating moisturizer or serum day and night. Drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated from within, and consider sleeping with a humidifier using clean, purified water.

what We recommend:

Product: HA Intensive Hydrating Serum from Environ. It contains a high concentration of Hyaluronic Acid, which is moisture-binding to visibly plump the skin. It’s exclusively available through our office, either by pickup or shipping, and must be ordered in person or over the phone.

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Dead skin cell buildup from winter:

  • The issue: You may be noticing a buildup of dead skin cells in the springtime, which can cause skin to appear dull and dry.
  • Why it happens: Cold harsh winter weather, indoor heating, a lack of sun exposure, and a lack of moisture in the air all contribute to the slowdown of skin cell turnover rates. Cell turnover is the natural regenerative process by which old, dead skin cells are shed and replaced by newer, healthier cells. Dead skin cell buildup may also be blocking your skincare from penetrating properly. Exfoliation can remove dead skin cells, which sends a signal to the skin that new cells are needed to replace those that have been shed.
  • Routine change: Your routine should include exfoliation now if you don’t normally do it. We recommend gently exfoliating your skin in the spring to buff away dry, flaky skin cells accumulated during the winter months.

what We recommend:

Product: The best physical exfoliator we’ve found is the DefenAge 2-Minute Reveal Masque. Your skin will never feel better after using this product. Luckily, it is also available to order through our office!

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Increased sun exposure:

  • The issue: Increased sun exposure increases your risks of developing sunburn, hyperpigmentation, premature aging, and cancer.
  • Why it happens: With longer daylight hours and more reasons to spend time outdoors, we subject ourselves to more UV radiation from the sun. Short-term can lead to redness, and even blistering and peeling. Long term, it can damage your collagen and skin’s elasticity. This can lead to premature aging.

what We recommend:

Product: Mineral SPFs have come a long way – they no longer create a white cast. They come in sheer varieties, and even in powder form to put on over makeup. We love the sunbetter TONE SMART SPF 75 Sunscreen Lotion from SkinBetter Science because of its incredibly smooth and protective formulation, and the hint of color!



Professional skin treatments for spring

Professional Skin Health Recommendations for Spring

Now that we know what we’re up against, there are three major ways you can give your skin health a much-needed boost that will supercharge your skin & complement your new routine.

1. Give Your Skin A Professional Cleanse

DiamondGlow is an excellent choice for springtime skin renewal. It is a professional skincare treatment that exfoliates, extracts and infuses the skin with specialized serums, all at the same time. It utilizes a diamond-tipped wand to gently exfoliate the outer layer of dead skin cells while using suction to also extract debris from the pores.


2. Kickstart Cell Turnover

A chemical peel encourages the shedding of dead skin cells and stimulates the skin renewal process. This quick professional treatment can help revitalize and promote the regeneration of new, healthy cells for spring. We offer a range of peel types to support cell turnover, including medium-depth peels and gentler, surface-level peels that can be tailored based on your skin type and concern.


3. Replenish Your Skin’s Moisture

Regular professional skin treatments are also recommended to restore and replenish your skin’s hydration levels. Hydrating masks, serums, and moisturizers can penetrate deeply into the skin, providing long-lasting hydration that makes them suitable for spring. Receiving professional facials can also be a part of healthy, routine skin maintenance. Regular facials every 4-6 weeks can provide the much-needed cleansing, exfoliation, hydration, and nourishment that will keep your skin issue-free for the weeks between.



Swapping Out Skincare Products for Spring

As the seasons change, it’s important to adjust your skincare routine to accommodate the shifting needs of your skin. Just like you rotate your wardrobe with each season, your skincare products should also be swapped out accordingly.

While some staples like retinol products should remain in use, it’s beneficial to switch out heavier creams and eye products for lightweight gels and serums as the weather gets warmer. Lighter formulations are better suited for warmer weather as they absorb more readily into the skin, providing hydration without feeling heavy or greasy.

Shop Spring Skincare


Dr. Weston discussing nutrition and skin health with a patient

What You Eat This Time Of Year Matters, Too

Adjusting your diet for spring can also contribute to keeping your skin looking healthy. Increasing your intake of hydrating foods and seasonable fruits and vegetables can have huge skincare benefits. Namely, those with antioxidants and Vitamin C, like carrots, blueberries, oranges, and bell peppers, can help protect your skin from environmental stressors like UV radiation and pollution, while also helping boost collagen production.

By making these small dietary adjustments and focusing on nutrient-dense foods, you can promote healthier, more radiant skin from within during the spring season and improve your overall wellbeing.


We Can Help You Transition Your Skin For Spring

Through the acts of updating your routine, swapping out your products, and receiving professional treatments specifically customized for spring, you can achieve a fresh, radiant complexion, while protecting and enhancing your skin as we transition into the warmer months. We know skincare needs are highly individualized, which is why a springtime skincare consultation with a professional might be beneficial to assess how your skin is being affected and adjust your skincare routine accordingly.

Set up an appointment with our team to work together on your personal skincare goals. We look forward to creating a customized skincare plan to help you achieve healthier skin throughout the spring season and beyond!

Let’s Talk Today!


About The Author

Nikki Rucinsky is a renowned medical aesthetician at Donaldson Plastic Surgery. She performs facials, chemical peels and a host of other effective treatments designed to improve the appearance and overall health of the skin. Nikki works one-on-one with patients to create skincare regimens that evolve throughout the year to match the new needs of each season. She also collaborates with members of our functional medicine team to suggest ideal dietary modifications to help patients reduce acne and bolster the results of their treatments.


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