Timid To Tuck?
Dr. Donaldson was interviewed in a Capital Style magazine article, “Timid To Tuck?”. The following is an excerpt.
What is your surgeon’s specialty?
Beyond just checking accreditation, ensure your physician is trained to treat the area of your body where you are having surgery. That might sound like an obvious question, but it can be an issue, says Dr. Christine Sullivan. Dr. Jeffrey Donaldson agrees, saying he’s seen physicians in family practice or emergency medicine offering breast augmentation. “Know you are in a place with someone who’s been properly trained,” he says.
Will the surgeon or his staff be disgusted by my body during my consultation?
“We get that question a lot,” says Dr. Jeffrey Donaldson of Donaldson Plastic Surgery in Columbus. “Their perception is other people will be dis- gusted by it. Usually, that’s not the case. There’s a spectrum
of appearance. In a plastic surgeon’s office, that’s what we see all day long. It’s nothing shocking to people who do this every day.”
Will it be obvious that I’ve had plastic surgery?
Many patients fear that bruising and swelling will im- mediately alert others they’ve had plastic surgery. But the level of bruising and scarring depends on the experience and training of your plastic surgeon, Donaldson says. With advancements in the field, techniques are less invasive, and cuts and injections can be hidden in the folds of the body and face. If scars are prominent, there are methods to reduce them. “Good plastic surgery should be subtle and not obvious,” Donaldson says.
Others are concerned about how to take time off of work without co-workers knowing they had surgery. Donaldson often signs a doctor’s note saying the person is under his care and needs time away or light duty. “A lot of people are concerned with that, but less than there was before,” he says. “Plastic surgery is much more mainstream today than it was 10 years ago.”
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